The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! SAVE THE DATE for March 20th & March 21st (5-8 pm) and get ready to empower your reader with book choice. Start exploring together at the Arapahoe Schools’ Book Fair website: #ScholasticBookFairs
11 months ago, Paige Bowstring
Arapaho language class presentation by Claudette C’Bearing Kindergarten and 6th grade The students showcased their Language skills.
11 months ago, Paige Bowstring
Arapaho language
Arapaho language
Arapaho language
Arapaho language
Arapaho language
Arapaho language
Arapaho language
Arapaho language
Congratulations Malinda Griffin, Staff Person of the month!
11 months ago, Paige Bowstring
staff person of the month
Symphony Childers student of the month! Congratulations!!!
11 months ago, Paige Bowstring
student of the month
Day one of March Madness Spirit week. Here are the winners of our Rock, Paper, Scissors competition! Congratulations!
11 months ago, Nicole Biltoft
Results are in! Mrs. Choppings Ducklings, Ms. Logue's Rhombus Rockstars, Mrs. Herrings Honeybadgers and Mrs. Kilgore's Blue Warriors have all made it to the Final Four in our Elementary Attendance competition! Stay tuned to see who makes it to the Final Round!
11 months ago, Nicole Biltoft
Arapahoe middle school spirit week!
11 months ago, Paige Bowstring
MS spirit, week
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Special Recreation Board Meeting by the Board of Trustees of Fremont County School District No. 38, State of Wyoming, will be held Monday, March 18, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. The Special Meeting will be at 445 Little Wind River Bottom Road Arapahoe, WY 82510 in the Culture Center Agenda Items: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Leticia Black Request 5. LittleRaven Oldman Requests 6. Adjournment BY ORDER OF: Leslie Spoonhunter Recreation Board Chairman Fremont County School District No. 38 Arapahoe, Wyoming
11 months ago, Jennifer Green
Join us for Parent Teacher Conferences. Wednesday, March 20. 4PM-8PM. Then again, Thursday, March 21. 4PM-8PM.
11 months ago, Paige Bowstring
Parent Teacher Conferences
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
11 months ago, Paige Bowstring
St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day
st. Patrick’s Day
March madness spirit week !!
11 months ago, Paige Bowstring
march madness spirit week
AES Newsletter
11 months ago, Nicole Biltoft
AMS Magazine
12 months ago, Nicole Biltoft
ACHS Bulletin
12 months ago, Nicole Biltoft
We have two classes who made it throught to the finals in our Middle School March Madness Attendance Challenge! Who will come out on top and win a PIZZA PARTY? 7A or 7B?
12 months ago, Nicole Biltoft
NOTICE OF VACANCY We will be extending the timeline to apply for the Open Seat on the School Board until Monday, March 25th, 2024 at 4pm!!! Applicants must be 18 years or older, reside in Fremont County School District #38 district boundaries, and have no felony record. All interested persons should send a letter of interest to: Fremont County School District #38 Office of Superintendent 445 Little Wind River Bottom Road Arapahoe, WY 82510
12 months ago, Curt Mayer
ONE in a MILLION SuperHero! Thank you Mrs. Griffin for completing the SuperHero Phone Call Challenge!
12 months ago, Paige Bowstring
Summer Camp opportunity for Middle Schooler's interested.
12 months ago, Paige Bowstring
Kid camp
Kid Camp
Tutoring Cancelled SOAR is NOT cancelled
12 months ago, Paige Bowstring
Tutoring Cancelled
High School, Junior High, and Youth Track is off to a great start here at Arapahoe, even with this weather!
12 months ago, Nicole Biltoft